Tuesday, November 30, 2004


I must take the opportunity to farewell Psephite.

I was hoping the election blogging adventure would end in a somewhat different way I must confess.

But this process has not been without its benefits. The boss was particularly impressed when I righteously claimed to be part of the blogging fraternity.

I can now add blogging to the list of cool memories I have which have sprung from the internet. It will be up there on the all time list of cool memories, but I'm afraid it won't surpass having a hotmail address since 1997 (yes, before Microsoft got their paws on it) and using the internet back in the days before any newspapers were online and when it was just a collection of Simpsons and '80s Japanese cartoon fan pages. You may have had to wait 5 minutes for the page to load, but it was worth it - you could download all sorts of erstwhile copyrighted media as the lawyers hadn't yet worked out what a modem was.

Maybe by the time the next election rolls around there will be a yet unthought of medium through which we can communicate our thoughts and well, let's face it, anger.

Ta ta!

1 comment:

Zoe said...

Impress that boss again by telling her/him you're going to a picnic with cool (definately not geeky) bloggers in the Botanic Gardens this Sunday afternoon. Or just come in costume. (4 pm on the Eucalypt lawn).