Saturday, November 20, 2004

Well and truly grogblogged

Although I didn't make it to the 'colourful' part of the evening, a grand time was had by the surprisingly numerous bloggers who turned up to the Clock Hotel in Surry Hills last night.

- > Got to meet the man himself, Darp, even if he can't spell Psephite he's still rather cool.

- > Picked up me Pandagate shirt and have already worn it, the quizzical looks from passers-by alone are worth the 25 bucks.

- > Weezil and Suki Lombard rock in big way. Go read their stuff, your life will be empty without them.

- > The Daily Flute was as cool as I had expected and we got along a treat. Funny how a tall straight Pommy and a short Aussie dyke could get along so well.

- > Also in attendance: Jess from Ausculture, Red Betty Black, Eric from Eating Tahini on Trains, Tim Lambert, Fulmination Dave, Moo Cow, Will Type for Food (a RWDB, apparently) and loads more who I didn't meet or can't remember. Sorry. Beer. A lot. Of beer.

Other round-ups can be had at Ausculture, Darpism, and Will Type for Food.

UPDATE: Photos at Darp, Suki's place, Weezil's place and Boudist.


TimT said...

That's Tim from Will Type For Food thanks!

And while it's all very flattering to be called a Right Wing Death Beast (and Tim Lambert insisted on introducing me as that), it's not really true. Just more right-wing than most of the folks there.

weezil said...

Georg, your kind praise is enough to make us blush fuschia. :D

But if we're that fantastic, why ain't we rich?


Worked from 8am-midnight today, will blog the grogblogthang tomorrow. However, from a quickie cruise of local blogospace, I can reasonably say that most of the bloggers are groggy today. Alcohol ain't really my thang, so I am enjoying a huge LAUGH at all you poor sods with fuzzy frontal lobes.
