Friday, November 05, 2004

The Airey-Branson saga

There's some to-ing and fro-ing going on down south between some 'young' Liberals and some lefty bloggers. You may have heard of the frankly delightful Miranda Airey-Branson. Well, Miranda had a blog where she said some not-very-nice things and basically crapped on in a spoilt brat manner about horses, the races, shaving, Sex in the City, all the intelligent stuff. Some lefties started commenting on her blog and she has now taken it down. Anyway, Miranda's larger crime is that she was involved in some dodgy election day action. She and some other Young Libs dressed in green shirts and tried to grab those who were voting Green and give them a Lib how-to-vote card. A better description of all this stuff is at the Age, Robert Corr, and my favourite, Ms Fits. Ms Fits believes she has found her nemesis. My what a tantalising prospect...


Kieran said...

The cached version no longer seems to be availible.

Georg Hibberd said...

Thanks Kieran. I have removed the link. It's a pity, it was definitely entertaining.

Anonymous said...

Miranda has always been 'strange'... i went to school with her and am gob-smacked as to what has gone wrong with her.Can any one answer this question?

Anonymous said...

Yes, anonymous, I can answer you question. Quite simply put, there is nothing wrong with her. She's opinionated and she lets others know what her opinions are. Her blog was, i assume, a place for her to write things down and share events, feelings and thoughts with her friends and anyone else who cared to look. She just like many others of her age and there's nothing wrong or "strange" about her.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I remember her from school. She was hot!!

Anonymous said...

Whatever... she is definately STRANGE