Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Enough is enough - I'm outing myself

Ok, with my last post I resolved that I would leave the Panda-hairy-gate saga in peace. Then I decided to cruise on over to Two Cents. Call me a masochist. Anyway, the latest post is entitled: It's not ok to be gay. (I did have a link to this 'piece' but Two Cents have since taken their site offline and made it password protected so only the priviliged few Right people can look at it). So, being a masochist, as I said, I read it. And now I have decided that these silly little children can only get away with what they are saying for so long. I'm not an agressive person, I don't usually fight back, call me a wimp, but this time I decided I would. The thing that got me going wasn't so much their claims that homosexuality is unnatural - I was brought up Catholic, I got over that years ago - it was their scare mongering in regard to gay people having children. They accompanied their charming post with a cutesy photo of some kids. And some bloke dressed in drag. Zoe at crazybrave got brave this week so I decided I would join her.

I am a lesbian. I live with my partner of six-plus years. We have a son. Our son also has a Dad. In fact, he has two Dads, his biological father and his partner. We all live within a couple of kilometres from each other and we see each other regularly. Our son lives with his us, his Mums, and visits his Dads whever he wants, and whever they want. His Dads have photos of him all over the house, they can't help but tell everyone about him, they are very proud. We go out on family outings together quite frequently. We think of ourselves as a family.

Our son attends a daycare centre (another reason I am going to hell - I'm not staying at home with my child) where there are several other children who have two Mums. No one at the daycare centre has a problem. Nothing is hidden. The other children know that some of the kids have two Mums. They don't give a toss.

My son has an extended family that adore him and accept him. Not only that, they accept his mother, their daughter, their sister. They accept my partner, they accept my son's Dads. The important thing for all of us is that my son is loved. And my, that he is.

I don't want to fight with people who believe that I should not have a child. I do not want to fight with people who think that children will be somehow damaged by the knowledge that their mate at school has two Mums or two Dads, or both. I just want to get on with my life and enjoy it with my son and partner. I do have to start making myself visible though, because as long as people like us don't say anything, then rich, right-wing, ignorant young twats like those at Two Cents, will continue to think that their view is normal.


Anonymous said...

I've discovered a lot of blogs through the whole Pandagate affair being a regular at Ms Fits.

I am a straight woman with an 8 month old son and am 5 weeks pregnant. I have three brothers, two are gay. One of these brothers has a two year old daughter, my other brother hopes to be a father one day. Ill informed and bigoted crap like the garbage posted at Two Cents pisses me off too. I usually back away from online arguments also but have been compelled in various other forums to comment on the homophobic and totally ignorant bullshit I read about gay men and women and same sex parents. You said it very well yourself

... as long as people like us don't say anything, then rich, right-wing, ignorant young twats like those at Two Cents, will continue to think that their view is normal.

Georg Hibberd said...

Thanks for all the support I have been given after I wrote this post. I managed to lose the 4 comments written last night so to Dan, Zoe, the Flute and someone else who I just can't quite remember (was it samwisepolemic?) - thank you too.

Ambrose said...

I am absolutely astounded that anyone would object to same-gender relationships these days. When people who expouse homophobic crap are actually in their 20's you begin to wonder.

I have a female partner, we're not married and my son's mentor/godmother is a lesbian. So what? Love is love whatever combinations of relationship you want to connect to.

weezil said...

Loving and supportive parents are much more important to children than which ugly bits they have and how they rub them together.

The mere normalcy of children with two mums/dads scares the bejesus out of Fred Nile, 2c, et. al.
